ABM Month Celebration

In this event Blue Eagle that represents the ABM Strand undergoes a triumph, that requires subdivision of class. The four groups are known as Prime Movers, Business Idols, The Executives and The Innovators. Each groups will face ten (10) challenges, and will race in completing each task, to earn points. And the group that has the most point in the final day, will be the winner, so the group must allocate its members wisely.

Each logo corresponds to each Team

Teams are requested to wear, shirt that will represent their team color.
Yellow Innovators (Left) and Green Prime Movers (Right)

Photographed by:
Gershom Caburian

Here are the activities to be performed during the celebration

Business Themed Booth Set-Up

Four similar tent will be customized by each team according to their team color, soon their innovative product will be showcase and will be put up for sale.

Innovative Product Selling

TV Commercial Making

Branding and Packaging Contest

Jingle Making Contest

 Bookkeeping Speed and Accuracy Test

Search for Mr. and Mrs. ABM

ABM Trail, Business Plan Crafting and ABM Quiz Bowl

"Trophies only collect dust but memories last forever"


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